Many vendors say that they can handle your editorial and production needs, but what do they actually mean? Who owns the process, and how are they ensuring quality and consistency from project to project?
Meet Susan Baker.
Susan joined Westchester in 2002 – from Greenwood Publishing Group where she was Vice President of Production – to launch our editorial services division that is based in Danbury, CT. Over the past sixteen years, Susan has led the team and continues building it out to serve an expanding client list that includes Harvard University Press, The MIT Press, Brookings Institution Press, and dozens of other clients. In all, Susan’s team currently provides editorial services for more than 600 titles every year.
Why do such prestigious clients rely on Susan’s staff and processes? In a word, care.
Susan’s team of production editors ensure that each book, white paper, or journal is handled with the attention to detail that the publishers themselves would ideally provide. From the beginning of a project, reviewing a manuscript prior to pre-edit tagging, organizing art logs and pre-flighting art, engaging with authors to launch projects, testing and assigning copyeditors specific to a project’s domain area, checking copyedited pages, engaging with designers and our composition team on steps from castoff to sample pages, checking first pass pages, reviewing pages with the publisher, checking printer proofs and epubs, all the way through to ensuring that assets have been received and processed by printers and platforms, the editorial services team looks after everything.
Wow, that’s a long list of items to care about!
Based on what clients have shared with us, there are few vendors or freelancers in the marketplace who possess the level of attention to detail that Susan and her team of editors provide on every project. Download copies of our workflow documents, providing examples of full-service and digital production workflow options. We know each client has different needs, schedules, and approaches to handling their projects, and we work with you to adhere to your workflows, ensuring your projects are completed accurately, on-time, and within budget. Contact usto discuss the ways Susan’s team of production editors can put their expert care and attention to detail into your projects.